Population Studies and Training Center
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More workers than ever before are caring for aging parents during the peak of their own careers. But most workplaces have not kept up with the challenges that employees are facing as the American workforce is getting older, people are living longer, and the costs of eldercare are skyrocketing.
One important job of the federal government is to distribute billions of dollars to address the impacts of climate and other disasters. This function will be even more important with new executive orders that promote fossil fuels and end policies that reduce heat trapping emissions to limit the impacts of climate change.
Greater Greater Washington

Why Traffic Never Gets Better

In 1962, Anthony Downs wrote that there is a Fundamental Law of Highway Congestion: no matter how much road is built, the highway will end up congested again. In decades since then, the United States has undergone a massive experiment in expanding most major roads, leading to an additional conclusion: there is a Fundamental Law of Traffic Congestion impacting both highways and major roads.
Education Next

Time for School

When it comes to time in school, both quantity and quality matter. Looking across 74 studies with causal research designs, we see a compelling body of evidence that increasing total school time leads to gains in academic achievement, on average.
Professors Jessaca Leinaweaver and Susan Short visited the United Nations on October 29th—the UN's International Day of Care and Support—where Dr. Short participated in a panel launching the Global Report on Children’s Care and Protection, led by SOS Children’s Villages.
News from PSTC

Welcome Back to the PSTC

On Tuesday, September 24, the PSTC community gathered to commemorate the beginning of a new academic year, catch-up with their colleagues and classmates, and welcome new affiliates, postdoctoral researchers, and trainees.
“Rhode Island was the first state in the US to legalize OPCs, so we have taken a different pathway than NY by going through the legislative process,” Alexandra Collins, PhD, a medical social scientist in the Department of Epidemiology at Brown University in Providence, told Filter.
Almost 200 faculty and graduate students from 19 countries gathered together on Brown’s campus to exchange knowledge and attend presentations on various topics in social demography, social stratification and public policy.
America’s infatuation with incarceration isn’t just an artifact of its racist past. It is frequently nourished by the support of both Democrats and Republicans, and it is often welcomed by rural communities of color needing help.
The Wall Street Journal

Why Americans Aren’t Having Babies

The costs and rising expectations of parenthood are making young people think hard about having any children at all.
No Jargon, a podcast by the Scholars Strategy Network

Disaster Management in the Era of Climate Change

The first major storm of the 2024 season, Hurricane Beryl, made history by breaking multiple records and causing widespread devastation along its path. In this episode of No Jargon, Elizabeth Fussell shares insights on how extreme weather events impact communities and what we can learn from this storm, and others like it, to improve our responses as climate change makes these disasters more common and powerful.
This school year, Montana, a state with fewer than 8,000 teachers, had 1,000 unfilled teaching positions. Meanwhile, Dutton-Brady Public Schools, a rural district about an hour from the Canadian border, easily filled its three vacancies. Photo credit: Rebecca Stumpf/High Country News
“Marketplace Morning Report” spent some time looking at the economic reality behind the war between Israel and Hamas. First, they looked at the economies of Gaza and the West Bank before and during the current conflict. Now they turn to how the conflict has shaped the Israeli economy.
On Friday, May 24th, members of the PSTC community gathered to celebrate the graduation of 13 PSTC current and former trainees who received PhDs from the Brown University Graduate School this month.
The Metro on WDET.org

Peter Hull discusses I.G.N.I.T.E.’s mission

I.G.N.I.T.E., a program at Genessee County Jail, is lowering the number of people re-entering the system. Peter Hull, professor of economics at Brown University and the author of a study on the jail’s program, joined the show to discuss I.G.N.I.T.E.’s mission.
The PSTC is now accepting applications from graduate students for summer 2024 research awards. Summer research support nurtures research projects consistent with the PSTC’s mission to promote innovative and high-quality population science.