Many PSTC-affiliated grad students are awarded fellowships that cover tuition and stipend.
Population Studies and Training Center
Funding Opportunities
The PSTC also provides funding for qualified students to attend professional conferences, including the Population Association of America (PAA) annual meeting.
Additional Benefits
In addition to direct funds, many trainees are provided their own desk space and PCs in the PSTC building. Students can request that the PSTC purchase software and datasets appropriate to their research. Students enjoy computer support, an information specialist who can help to locate printed and electronic resources, and comprehensive administrative support for those applying for summer and external funding.
For information, email the PSTC.
Graduate School Additional Funding
Other opportunities for funding may be available through a student's home department, the Graduate School, or external sources.
The purpose of these awards is to encourage faculty members to develop projects that will obtain funding from the Population Dynamics Branch (PDB) of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) or other competitive extramural sources.
View a curated list of general opportunities relevant to population studies. Specific opportunities can be found in the PSTC's Weekly Digest.