Why are boys failing at school? What can be done about it? And, can experts agree on root causes? Jayanti Owens provides commentary based on her education and gender research.
Research shows conflicting data on the impact of the intervention, but a major new study confirms it can work. PSTC Educational Economist Matthew Kraft provided commentary for this article.
A study led by Associate Professor Matthew Kraft, which found text messages sent to parents of elementary school children helped encourage children to take part in literacy activities during the summer months, was featured.
Current research led by PSTC Sociologist Michael White is referenced for its work advancing the understanding of how migration and urbanization impact population health in South Africa.
An analysis led by PSTC Associate Jayanti Owens found that different treatment of black and white students accounted for half of the racial gap in school suspensions and expulsions among 5- to 9-year-old children.
A study by PSTC Associate and Professor of Sociology David Lindstrom finds that Mexican immigrants are learning English and regularly interacting with non-Mexicans at higher rates, the Pacific Standard reports.
The practice of personalized learning is the latest ed-tech trend out of Silicon Valley. Associate Professor Matthew Kraft believes the new education model's claims to transform schools are exaggerated, he tells The New Yorker.
Economics Professor Jesse Shapiro coauthors new research that shows difference in language used online by Republicans and Democrats when discussing mass shootings.
New parents are given a lot of rules to follow, but little guidance for how to decide what is most important, writes Economics Professor Emily Oster in The Atlantic.
Like many other progressive hopes, the teacher pay proposals from 2020 Democratic presidential candidates need a bit more focus, writes Associate Professor Matthew Kraft in a New York Times Op-Ed.
Will an increase in teacher pay help improve student performance? Associate Professor John Friedman offers expertise on quantifying a teacher's value and the new education models for setting salary marks.
Day-to-day parenting choices matter less than we think, but national policies matter a lot, writes Economics Professor Emily Oster in NYT’s The Upshot.
Associate Professor John Friedman comments on the SAT test's new adversity rating, saying "For each extra year you spend in a good environment, you do a little better. It’s very powerful when somebody overcomes that."
Economics Professor Emily Oster critically discusses popular data regarding parenting choices and their effects on children in this New York Times Op-Ed.
"Kids who are supposed to be walking along streets with higher rates of violent crime are more likely to miss school," says Julia Burdick-Will, sociologist at Johns Hopkins University and a former PSTC postdoc.